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Endoscopy Decontamination Suite


endoscopes reprocessed in our units each year

Wassenburg Mobile Decontamination Unit


daily potential scope reprocessing boost

Mobile Endoscope Decontamination Unit within North Manchester General Hospital Estate


NHS Trusts supported

We're proud to support the NHS with creating additional endoscopy capacity


daily potential scope reprocessing boost


different decontamination solutions


NHS Trusts supported with endoscope decontamination

Increasing decontamination capacity

High-capacity solutions for flexible endoscope reprocessing

In 2017, we launched the first mobile decontamination unit with Cantel, a Steris company. Our fully HTM compliant mobile solutions support our clients by:

  • Boosting capacity: enabling the processing of up to 240 scopes a day
  • Convenient locations: position within the hospital estate or at a central decontamination site
  • Continuity of service: allowing Trusts to keep reprocessing capacity during refurbishment or due to failing equipment
Mobile decontamination unit

Client testimonial

In the short time the unit has been on site it has already had a hugely positive impact on patient satisfaction. The trust is operating in line with our 2-week waiting time target, and we’ve been able to open a fourth endoscopy procedure room within the hospital as a direct result of increased efficiencies.

Russell Snellgove

Decontamination Manager at Queen's Hospital ​

We provide innovative, adaptable solutions to the highest clinical standards

All our mobile decontamination solutions are state-of-the-art, and our impeccable service comes as standard.

Mobile decontamination unit built to JAG guidelines

Designed and built to JAG guidelines

Eight-hour engineer response time

Additional reprocessing capacity within hospital estate

Cantel RapidAER® Reprocessors

Client testimonial

The endoscopy unit supplied by EMS Healthcare is a critical addition to our estate. By helping to ease the pressures on our endoscopy waiting lists, it is facilitating a crucial healthcare service to thousands of patients.​ With a compact, single trailer footprint and a high scope throughput, QuestXL is the best of both worlds – small, yet incredibly productive.

Steven Kite

Decontamination Clinical Lead at NHS Tayside ​

Mobile decontamination solutions

Enabling smooth delivery of services for patients

Ease waiting times and improve health outcomes

Our mobile decontamination units support hospitals across the UK to maintain their endoscope reprocessing throughput during refurbishments and equipment upgrades, enabling continuity of essential endoscopy services for patients.

In 2024, we deployed a mobile decontamination unit to North Manchester General Hospital in partnership with Wassenburg Medical, helping to increase reprocessing capacity by up to 195 scopes per 12 hours each day.

Manchester Mobile Decontamination Unit

Client testimonial

If it wasn't for the EMS Healthcare units, we wouldn't be providing endoscopy to the patients of Leicester and Leicestershire.

Claire Jones-Manning

Decontamination Lead at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

Innovative solutions that solve decontamination capacity challenges


Built to JAG guidelines and designed to maximise space, this mobile decontamination unit has a minimal footprint, allowing it to fit in to tight areas on your hospital estate.


This mobile decontamination solution combines optimal reprocessing capacity with a minimal footprint, supporting hospitals with limited space on their hospital estate.


Ideal decontamination solution for larger NHS Trusts and Health Boards to maintain endoscope reprocessing capacity during equipment upgrades, refurbishment and centralisation of existing facilities.


This temporary mobile endoscopy facility allows clinicians to perform a range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, in a standalone endoscopy and decontamination suite.

Talk about your capacity challenges