NIHR Clinical Research Network North West Coast
Mobile research bus
Taking clinical research into communities across the North West
NIHR Clinical Research Network North West Coast's research bus is helping to directly engage with local communities. The aim is to make clinical research more accessible, to enable more people to take part in health research.
The mobile research unit is named "Kitty" after Catherine Wilkinson, who saved many lives from cholera by opening the first public washhouse in Liverpool in 1832.
EMS Healthcare are proud to be supporting the programme by providing the mobile unit as part of the 'Be Part of Research' campaign.

NIHR Clinical Research Network North West Coast
Client testimonial
I think it's really important that we take research into our communities because if we fail to do that, we won't make our recruitment into clinical research and social care research inclusive and representative enough and we'll only make medicines and treatments that are right for a very selective cohort of patients. So it's imperative for us that we take our research out to the communities.
Greg Woodley
Head of Communications and Engagement at NIHR