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Emergency Care Unit

Supporting A&E departments

Creating urgent care capacity

Southend University Hospital, part of Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust deployed a temporary ambulance handling unit to reduce patient handover delays and enable ambulance crews to respond to emergency calls with fewer delays.

  • Our team deployed a bespoke solution within 1 week
  • The solution meant ambulance crews could safely hand over patients and get back on the road to answer more category 1 and 2 calls
  • Located near their A&E department, the units provided a safe place for patients to be regularly monitored and assessed by a clinical team while awaiting space in the ED department
Emergency Ambulance Handover Unit

Client testimonial

When people call 999 the public expect the ambulance service to attend, units like this will help make sure that we can.

Tom Abell

Chief Executive at Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System

Emergency care unit

Urgent Treatment Centres & Same-Day Emergency Care 

Reducing pressure on emergency hospital services

Our mobile Urgent Treatment Centres (UTC) and Same-Day Emergency Care (SDEC) units improve patient flow and reduce pressure on urgent and emergency care services.

Benefits of mobile UTC & SDEC Units:

  • Fully equipped and compliant spaces that can be deployed quickly to accommodate patient surges.
  • Efficient triage and management of patients, ensuring that critical cases are prioritised.
  • Dedicated clinical areas for assessment, treatment, or discharge, helping to reduce wait times and improve outcomes.
Urgent Treatment Centres (UTC) and Same-Day Emergency Care (SDEC) units

Innovations to save lives

A&E ward

A solution created to be located close to A&E departments, one or multiple units can be utilised to create additional urgent care capacity.

Community clinic

This relocatable healthcare unit is ideal for the changing demands of modern clinical provision. Increase clinical capacity and deliver improved efficiencies by providing care on hospital estates or out in the community.

Let us know how we can support you